"Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture"
(for the Linux kernel)


This page reports some published peer-reviewed papers which either describe parts of AQuoSA, or report experimental results gathered by using AQuoSA. Note that this page is not updated very frequently. More papers about AQuoSA features and/or the use of AQuoSA in our research may be found here.

Papers describing AQuoSA and the technologies behind it

  1. Fabio Checconi, Tommaso Cucinotta, Dario Faggioli, Giuseppe Lipari, Hierarchical Multiprocessor CPU Reservations for the Linux Kernel, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2009), Dublin, Ireland, June 2009
  2. Luigi Palopoli, Tommaso Cucinotta, Luca Marzario, Giuseppe Lipari, AQuoSA - Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture, Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2009, doi 10.1002/spe.883
  3. Tommaso Cucinotta, Access Control for Adaptive Reservations on Multi-User Systems, IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2008), St. Louis, April 2008
  4. Dario Faggioli, Giuseppe Lipari, Tommaso Cucinotta, An Efficient Implementation of the BandWidth Inheritance Protocol for Handling Hard and Soft Real-Time Applications in the Linux Kernel, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2008), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2008
  5. Luca Abeni, Tommaso Cucinotta, Giuseppe Lipari, Luca Marzario, Luigi Palopoli, QoS Management through adaptive reservations, Real-Time Systems, Volume 29, Issue 2-3, March 2005, ISSN 0922-6443
  6. IRIS: A New Reclaiming Algorithm for Server-Based Real-Time Systems, Luca Marzario, Giuseppe Lipari, Patricia Balbastre, Alfons Crespo, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, pp. 211-218, 2004
  7. Adaptive bandwidth reservation for multimedia computing, L. Abeni and G. Buttazzo, Proceedings of the IEEE Real Time Computing Systems and Applications, Hong Kong, December 1999
  8. Integrating Multimedia Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems, Luca Abeni and Giorgio Buttazzo, Proceedings of the IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium, Madrid, Spain, December 1998

Papers written exploiting AQuoSA

  1. Tommaso Cucinotta, Fabio Checconi, Luca Abeni, Luigi Palopoli, Self-tuning Schedulers for Legacy Real-Time Applications, 5th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2010), Paris, April 2010
  2. Tommaso Cucinotta, Luca Abeni, Luigi Palopoli, Fabio Checconi, The Wizard of OS: a Heartbeat for Legacy Multimedia Applications, 7th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, Grenoble (ESTImedia 2009), Grenoble, October 2009
  3. Tommaso Cucinotta, Antonio Mancina, Gaetano Anastasi, Giuseppe Lipari, Leonardo Mangeruca, Roberto Checcozzo, Fulvio RusinĂ , A Real-time Service-Oriented Architecture for Industrial Automation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 5, n. 3, August 2009
  4. Tommaso Cucinotta, Gaetano Anastasi, Luca Abeni, Respecting temporal constraints in virtualised services, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications (RTSOAA 2009), Seattle, Washington, July 2009
  5. Adaptive reservations in a Linux environment, Tommaso Cucinotta, Luigi Palopoli, Luca Marzario, Giuseppe Lipari, Luca Abeni, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, pp. 238-245, 2004

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Last update:
August 4, 2010